Call for Keynote Speaker
Dear Colleague,
We would like to address the invitation to apply as a keynote presentation in the special sessions at the 10th International Conference INTER-ENG 2016, Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, which will take place on October 6th - 7th 2016, at the "Petru Maior" University of Tîrgu-Mureș in Romania.
The call is to provide the opportunity of promoting in a high visibility context relevant scientific reasearch results, inovations, tehnologies and best practices from the thematic areas of the Conference.
If you are interested in presenting a keynote at the INTER-ENG 2016 Conference please fill the applications form available below and submit it until 13 of March 2016 via the oficial e-mail of the Conferece available in the Contact Information section
- Keynote Speaker Application Form (application/zip, 146 KB, 10 Feb. 2016).
Your proposal will be evaluated and in case of acceptance you will be contacted directly.
- Best regards,
- Prof.dr.eng. Liviu MOLDOVAN
- President of the Scientific Committee
- Vice-Rector of "Petru Maior" University of Tîrgu-Mureș, Romania